I took first prize in Ravenblood Games' costume competition tonight largely due to the overwhelming awesomeness of The Moran Aetheric Neuralizer. I'll try and get photos from those who took them.
I have to admit that once I had the Moran Galvanic Exciter figured out I knew I had a winner. You know the concept is working when you want to play with it for fun. I was in real danger of flattening the battery before the event, because I spent so much time watching the effects in action.
The Neuralizer/Power Supply combo drew comment from everyone, as did my fanciful "Praetorian Guard/Space 1889 Soldier" costume. Even though I never fully finished the Neuralizer (I ran out of time and so the external piping and gauges it was supposed to feature were left off) it was still visually stunning.
I'm extremely pleased with myself. I'll add the missing features later and do some internal tidying on both the Moran Galvanic Exciter and the Moran Aetheric Neuralizer - the chocolate-block connectors I used for expedience and screw-up-proofing the circuitry could now be usefully switched out for two-part male/female connectors for example, but it is now a case of super-detailing a product that is basically good to go.
And the host of tonight's event made a point of saying that he would like to display the device in his store, and that was extremely satisfying as a vindication of my design.
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