Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Projects To Come

I managed to score a handful of plastic "replica" Broomhandle Mauser airsoft pistols for a ridiculously low cost, so my vision of producing a steampunky Mauser with glowing effects is one phase closer to mildewing in a box in the basement for the next 15 years.

Why the Mauser, you ask?

Well, it has an iconic shape so that even a really naff realization of the weapon is recognizable as what it is supposed to be.

It has plenty of space once the airsoft mechanism is pulled out for batteries and electronic driver circuits.

It has a venerable history as a historical gun modded for futuristic ray-gun needs. Which is to say that Lucas made Han Solo's gun out of one.

And it fits the Victorian Steampunk Era.

So another incoherent build log shall come into being.

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