Work on the Neuralizer upgrade has ceased pending the acquisition of a new EL Wire sequencing board. The last one purchased puffed out Magic Smoke and has proved resistant to my repair skills, and the first needs some reconfiguring and reprogramming to overcome a design flaw that may be dangerous.
But I've finally managed to source a globe from which I can hopefully fashion both a "slipstream" Captain Video-style space helmet and my long-delayed Steampunk Space Helmet.
The first is a matter of cutting a larger hole in the thing and fabricating a neck/chest fitting for it and possibly some side-mounted "earphones" with small aerials.
The latter will require dressing it out in the manner of a diving helmet, a relatively simple task.
A fan will also have to be arranged to defog the "glass" - a lesson some Hollywood FX designers didn't twig in some big-budget films.
I've obtained a globe and will be undertaking some experiments in the near future. Hopefully these will result in a workable design that I can use. I'll try and make a better job of documenting this process than I did with the neuralizer.